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SD Stalzer

Poetry & Photography

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New Release

Somehow, mounting a horse immediately settles you into the present moment. Being responsible for a thousand pounds of muscle with a will of its own forces all other thoughts out of your mind, as you remind yourself to sit properly and recall the basics of steering. And with that new mindfulness, that special connection between human and animal, a door opens to experiences of awe. Awe of the new directions you can literally take yourself. Awe of your own strengths as you conquer your fears. An awe of the pristine mountains and geologic history that awakens a longing often forgotten - for freedom, for memory, for being at one with the movements of the earth.


Click on the image to 'Look Inside' the ebook version!

NOW AVAILABLE IN PRINT AND EBOOK FORMATS! Retailers: Available at Ingram, ISBN: 979-8-9877314-0-6

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With acute attention and a musician’s ear, SD Stalzer enchants us with the wide country of Wyoming, and the spell of America’s first dude ranch. These poems sing of the prairie grasses born of an ancient ocean, with a reverence for the majesty and danger of the natural world. A profoundly beautiful book.

Sue Ellen Kuzma, author of  "Arousing Angel" and "over the air waves"


SD Stalzer's poetry narrates a moving experience of love and connection that is common among visitors to the American West. Full of sensual detail and philosophical wanderings, Enchantment captures the expansiveness, natural history, and awe of Wyoming and the ranch—from the immensity of the mountains to the trust found in a sure-footed horse.

Liz Sanborn, dude ranch veteran

Through these insightful poems and beautiful photos you can almost smell the sweat of a horse picking his way up the Wolf Creek Canyon trail. You can hear the wranglers’ whoops as they bring the horses into the corral, stirring up clouds of dust in the sunrise, or the musings of ghosts from generations of serial dudes. Enchantment encapsulates the timeless magic of a 140 year old dude ranch.

Doyl Fritz, Eatons' family member and former wrangler


July 1st 2023, The Main House

Eatons' Ranch, Wolf, WY

Enchantment: Poems of Awe

Reading and book signing 5PM - 6PM MST


About SD Stalzer

SD Stalzer is a writer, photographer, and mindfulness practitioner. His poetry appears in numerous publications, most recently Beyond Words Literary Magazine, ScribeMove Me Poetry, Know Thyself Heal Thyself, and The Power of Poetry, and in the upcoming anthology, We Are the Waves

© 2023 by Steven David Stalzer

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